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What is a well screen?
If the bottom of the well is in sand and/or gravel, the well driller may install a well screen. The well screen is a metallic cylindrical...
What size pump is required to get the job done?
Well pumps are typically rated by their horsepower (HP). The size of the motor is calculated by how much work it has to do and how much ...
What is a pump screen?
A pump screen is a combination of a coarse stainless-steel shield and a fine screen that completely covers the pump. This disallows sand...
Which pitless adapter type do I have?
Although there are different designs of Pitless adapters, their functions the same: most adaptors are made of brass and last the ...
Do I need to chlorinate my well?
Chlorination has been used for years to eliminate bacteria, iron, and other deposits from wells. If your well tests positive for fecal ...
How do I chlorinate my well?
The process of chlorination hasn’t changed that much over the years, but the chlorine products and the tools to measure concentration (in...
What is the difference between a two- and three-wire pump?
To the end-user, both two- and three-wire pumps do the same job. Well pumps are induction motors that require a start-and-run capacitor....
Can I convert my two-wire pump to a three-wire pump system?
A three-wire pump requires three wires from the source (usually the house) to the well casing. If you don’t currently have three wires,...
My well inspection failed because of my well cap. What is a vermin-proof cap?
You can fail a well inspection because of an old well cap or seal. New well caps are vented but are bug proof; old caps didn’t always...
How does a constant pressure system differ from the standard system?
A constant pressure system uses a motor controller that runs the well pump at varying speeds, depending on water usage demands. A...
My well is old and the well pump installer detected a lot of silt/clay in the bottom...
My well is old and the well pump installer detected a lot of silt/clay in the bottom which he says is plugging my well pump. Can I ...
Can my existing well be drilled deeper?
If the current well does not have a well screen (see below for “what is a well screen?”) it typically can be drilled deeper.
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